Du Langage Naturel à NILE

Évaluation des Phrases

Objectif : attribuer une note entre 0 (très différentes) et 10 (quasi identiques) pour chaque paire de phrases ci-dessous.

Par exemple la phrase
Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('housing') to endpoint('internet') unset quota('upload', '89', 'gb/mth') start hour('17:00') end hour('22:00’);
est très proche de la phrase
Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('internet') to endpoint('network') unset quota('upload','89','gb/mth') start hour('17:00') end hour('22:00’);
mais n'a rien à voir avec
Nile: define intent uniIntent: for group('technicians') remove middlebox('content filtering system');

Merci d'avance ! :-)

Ton niveau en réseaux :

Phrase 1 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('housing') to endpoint('internet') unset quota('download','189','gb/wk') start hour('3:00') end hour('9:00')
Phrase 2 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('housing') to endpoint('internet') unset quota('upload','89','gb/mth') end hour('22:00')
Phrase 1 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('faculty') to endpoint('students') unset quota('upload','89','gb/mth') start hour('17:00') end hour('22:00')
Phrase 2 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('internet') to endpoint('network') unset quota('upload','89','gb/mth') start hour('17:00') end hour('22:00')
Phrase 1 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('university') to endpoint('applications') unset quota('upload','89','gb/mth') start hour('17:00') end hour('22:00')
Phrase 2 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('housing') to endpoint('internet') unset quota('download','3','mb/d') start hour('9:00') end hour('6:00')
Phrase 1 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('housing') to endpoint('internet') unset quota('upload', '89', 'gb/mth') start hour('17:00') end hour('22:00')
Phrase 2 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('housing') to endpoint('internet') unset quota('download','189','gb/wk') start hour('3:00') end hour('9:00')
Phrase 1 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('housing') to endpoint('internet') unset quota('upload','89','gb/mth') end hour('22:00')
Phrase 2 : Nile: define intent uniIntent: from endpoint('housing') to endpoint('internet') start hour('17:00') end hour('22:00')